Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nick Vujicic: A Deliverer of "Sublimity"

The guidelines set forth by Longinus in “On Sublimity” describe the delivery of a message that is out of the ordinary, that inspires strong emotion, and that, upon completion, leaves the audience with a moved spirit. Longinus details five main sources for this delivery, “the power to conceive great thoughts… strong inspired emotion…certain kinds of figures…noble diction…and dignified and elevated word arrangement” (138-39). These characteristics are exemplified in the inspirational messages delivered by Nick Vujicic which are bookended with humor and touching images and video that further carries his message. Nick Vujicic’s appearance is a direct contradiction to his messages of hope, thankfulness, and happiness. He has neither arms nor legs and moves around on his torso with only a small “chicken drumstick” in the place of his left leg. To find Nick anything less than awe inspiring and tear producing would be a great task and he successfully portrays the sublimity expressed by Longinus, “Real sublimity contains much food for reflection, is difficult or rather impossible to resist, and makes a strong and ineffaceable impression on the memory. In a word, reckon those things which please everybody all the time as genuinely and finely sublime” (138). To fit the criteria of sublimity, a message must reach each person that it is delivered to in a way that expands their hearts and minds and the deliverer must be easily and immediately liked. It also must be explained in noble diction, wherein word choice is of utmost importance for best delivery of the message.
In the YouTube clip that is viewed for criticism, the messages the Nick speaks are simple, understandable, and touch on the basic desires of all mankind to be content with life. The shock of Nick’s appearance makes his words especially effective because despite his clearly visible handicaps he is always smiling and he professes his thankfulness for what he has. Throughout the clip, there are images and short videos of Nick playing sports, doing water activities, and receiving hugs and thanks from people who are visibly moved. These images of people crying and giving Nick hugs help to convince future audiences that Nick’s messages are important and should be regarded thoughtfully.
In “On Sublimity” Longinus subdivides the categories that comprise that which is sublime to easily define something as such. One of these categories is “Digression: Genius versus Mediocrity”. If any one man were to have an excuse for being mediocre or travelling the easy road in life, Nick Vujicic would be that man. His disabilities would overwhelm some of the strongest men, who cannot overlook their obstacles and resort to self pity. More often than not, men with arms and legs and a “normal” body stay safe and take no risks, living a mediocre life rather than striving to make a difference in the world. But, Nick views his abnormal body as a tool that can move people and can change perspectives despite the risk that he may be laughed at or pitied. Longinus states, “It may also be inevitable that low or mediocre abilities should maintain themselves generally at a correct and safe level, simply because they take no risks and do not aim at the heights, whereas greatness, just because it is greatness, incurs danger”(149). Nick Vujicic not only acts in greatness by speaking to people about the importance of thankfulness and a positive outlook but he also defies all odds by doing things that one may think are impossible for a man with no arms and legs. In this, he epitomizes a characterization of the sublime. Longinus continues, “I do, however, think that the greater good qualities, even if not consistently maintained, are always more likely to win the prize-if for no other reason, because of the greatness of spirit they reveal” (149). If greatness of spirit is sublime, the definition should be accompanied by a picture of Nick Vujicic.
The last few minutes of the YouTube clip reveal the purpose of the clip, a promotion for a DVD featuring Nick and his inspirational message. Although the message of the short clip is inspiration enough for anyone who watches, the purpose is to intrigue watchers enough to make them buy the DVD. In the end, despite the purely sublime message that Nick delivers, he still uses his disability and his message to earn a living and in a sense, he sells himself to his audience.

Works Cited

Cain, Finke, Johnson, Leitch, McGowan, Sharpley-Witing, Williams, eds. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Second Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. Print.

Longinus. “On Sublimity.” The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Second Edition. 136-54.

Nick Vujicic Inspirational Talk-Life Without Limbs 1 of 4. 18 June 2008. YouTube. Web. 11 July 2010.

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